Privacy Policy

What is this Privacy Notice?

This Privacy Notice sets out what 2nd Mansfield Scout Group (“We”) do with Personal Data and what you can expect from us as part of our obligations when processing this Personal Data.

2nd Mansfield Scout Group is a charity excepted from registration by the Charity Commission. If you have any queries about anything set out in this policy or about your own rights, please write to the Executive Committee of 2nd Mansfield Scout Group at

What is personal data?

Personal data means any information about an identified or identifiable person. For example, an individual’s home address, personal (home and mobile) phone numbers and email addresses, occupation, and so on can all be defined as personal data. Some categories of personal data are recognised as being particularly sensitive (“sensitive personal data”). These include data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, genetic and biometric information, and data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

What data are we gathering?

We may hold Personal Data (including Sensitive Personal Data) about members, parents/guardians and volunteers. We believe it is important to be open and transparent about how we will use your Personal Data. Information we may hold includes the following:

· name and contact details;

· length and periods of service

· age/date of birth;

· details of any health conditions;

· race or ethnic background and native languages;

· religion;

· nationality;

· details of next of kin; and

· details of disclosure checks.

Why do we collect this information?

We use this information to communicate with you and to carry out our obligations as Scout Leaders. We also have a responsibility to keep information about you, both during your membership and afterwards (due to our safeguarding responsibilities and to help us if you leave or re-join). In addition, we may collect data for registration to events, including nights away, in some cases this data will be Sensitive Personal Data, which we ask for to allow us to provide appropriate care for members whilst under our supervision. The list of activities we carry out as part of Scouting that may require the use of Personal Data including:

· to enable us to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public;

· to manage our volunteers;

· to manage our membership records;

· to update you on events;

· to conduct surveys on our performance;

· for financial accounting;

· to fundraise for the Scout Group; and

· to process Gift Aid applications.

How do we gather data?

We gather data through a variety of methods, including:

· contact forms on our website or by email;

· waiting lists for new members;

· joiners forms; and

· event registration forms.

Keeping to the law

We must keep to the law when processing personal data. To achieve this, we must meet at least one of the following conditions:

· you have to give (or have given) your permission for us to use your information for one or more specific purposes;

· we need to process the information to meet the terms of any contract you have entered into;

· processing the information is necessary to keep to our legal obligations as data controller;

· processing the information is necessary to protect your vital interests;

· processing the information is necessary for tasks in the public interest or for us as the data controller to carry out our responsibilities; or

· processing the information is necessary for our legitimate interests (see below).

Also, information must be:

· processed fairly and lawfully;

· collected for specified, clear and legitimate purposes;

· adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary;

· accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;

· kept for no longer than is necessary; and

· processed securely.

When will we delete this data?

We may keep information for different periods of time for different purposes as required by law or best practice.

As far as membership information is concerned, to make sure of continuity (for example leavers and then re-joiners) and to carry out our legal responsibilities relating to safeguarding young people, we keep membership information throughout the membership and after it ends.

Who has access to this data and who do we share it with?

Only those members who need membership information to carry out their role have access to that information.

We may have to share your personal data within appropriate levels of the Association and with local Scouting, i.e. with The Scout Association (National), Nottinghamshire Scouts and Mansfield District Scouts, as long as this is necessary and directly related to your role within Scouting. We do not share personal data with companies, organisations and people outside the Association, unless one of the following applies;

· We have clear permission from you to do so.

· If we have to supply information to others (for example payroll providers) for processing on our behalf. We do this if we are asked and to make sure that they are keeping to the GDPR and have appropriate confidentiality and security measures in place.

· For safeguarding young people or for other legal

Where will the data be stored?

This data is securely stored in the following ways:

· On temporary paper records for pending data input and for specific events;

· On the online Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive platform (https://privaMicrosoft Privacy Statement–Microsoft

Please refer to the respective storage providers privacy statements for further information about how they hold this data.

What are your rights to your Personal Data

As a Data Subject you have rights over your own data that you can exercise at any time, these are:

· Data is accurate – we must keep your data accurate

· Data is erased – we must erase data if not needed or requested by you, that is not excessive and is possible

· Data is portable – we must provide a copy of your data back to you

· Data processing is limited – we must cease a processing activity if you object to it

· Consent withdrawal – we must allow you to withdraw consent at any time.

You are entitled to ask us, in writing, for a copy of the personal data we hold about you. This is known as a subject access request. In line with legislation, we will not charge a fee for this information and will respond to your request within one month. This is unless this is not possible or deemed excessive, in which case we will contact you within the month of making the Subject Access Request.

We may need to verify your identity before responding to your subject access request and this may involve providing original identification documents.

If you wish to contact us to exercise these rights or for any further queries on this Privacy Notice please contact

Social Media Policy

We use social media both to promote the Group and Scouting in general, and to communicate with current members.

The public facing social media platforms that we use are:

– Facebook Pages

– Twitter

The social media platforms for access by members only are:

– Facebook Groups

The Group’s Facebook Group’s are set to closed, meaning that members must request to join. For the younger sections (Beaver, Cubs and Scout), a join request will only be accepted for:

– Current Leaders and Assistant Leaders

– Other Leaders within the Group or District where deemed appropriate.

– Parents of current members of the respective sections.

For the Explorer Section, a join request will only be accepted for:

– Current Leaders and Assistant Leaders

– Other Leaders within the Group or District where deemed appropriate.

– Parents of current members of the Unit.

– Explorers within the Unit.

For all Groups, join requests will only be accepted at the discretion of the Group, and the requesting person having correctly answered 3 ‘pre-joining’ questions.

Social Media – Photographs

Photographs of any member will only be used on any Social Media platform following express written consent by the member or their parent/guardian.

Any person that has been accepted to join a Facebook Group must comply with the following rules:

– Photographs should not be uploaded to the Facebook Group without the prior written consent of the member or their parent/guardian.

– No photographs that have been uploaded to the Facebook Group should be downloaded, shared or distributed unless the sole subject of said photograph is you, or your child.

– No photographs of members should be uploaded to personal social media accounts outside of the designated, closed Facebook Groups.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in permanent removal from the Group’s Social Media platforms.

Any issues, please contact

© Copyright 2023, 2nd Mansfield Scout Group, All Rights Reserved.